Theobroma Cocao Extract

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企業(企业) - Plant Extract Company
企業タイプ(企业类型): 中国系企業(内资)
商品リスト(列表): 27 Products



Theobroma Cocao Extract Model No.: TCE Theobroma Cocao Extract Product Name: Theobroma Cocao P.E. Theobroma Cocao Extract Plant Origin: Theobroma cocao Theobroma Cocao Extract Specification: Thebromine by HPLC 3.5%, 10%, 20% HPLC Theobroma cocao is now cultivated in Brazil, Costa Rica, Guayaquil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Guatemala, and most of the other West India Islands as Africa, Ceylon, Samoa and regions with similar Climates. Chocolate contains chemical similar to those found in Red Wine, Grape seed, and Green Tea that can aid blood circulation, reduce blood pressure, and provide other benefits. Recent studies confirm flavonoids, such as those in cocoa, decrease oxidation of LDL cholesterol, decrease the bodys inflammatory immune responses, facilitate the dilation of arteries, and inhibit the aggregation of platelets in the bloodstream.


Theobroma Cocao Extract